Sunday 26 May 2024

Netflix And Chill: Godzilla: The Planet Eater (2018)

Here we are, at last. It is the third, and final, instalment of this animated Godzilla movie trilogy, and I wish I had known weeks ago that the first film would easily stand out as the best of the three. It’s done now though, all over, and I can do my part to convince everyone else to ignore what is a truly awful, and horribly dull, Godzilla story arc.

We once again follow on from the events of the preceding movie, but there’s a new addition to the threat in the form of something that is powerful and monstrous, but doesn’t necessarily conform to the laws of our universe. It’s the kind of danger that might be best dealt with by a giant beastie like Godzilla.

I have to admit it, I almost threw my toys out of the pram after watching this. I wasn't going to review it, I was mad, and it even soured me on the idea of spending more time in 2024 exploring more Godzilla and kaiju movies. That's how bad it was, both as an individual instalment and as an end to the trilogy.

Hiroyuki Seshita and Kôbun Shizuno once again direct, and it's Gen Urobuchi still responsible for the screenplay, and I can only assume that they had such strong belief in their concept that they convinced everyone else to go along with it. I have rarely actually mentioned the animation in any reviews of the previous films in this trilogy, maybe even forgetting to comment on it at all, but I just don't have the heart to be critical of people who were already so badly let down by such a weak screenplay and flawed premise. There's plenty of potential here, and the animators do a decent job of presenting something that is stylised, impactful when it can be, and fittingly spectacular when Godzilla gets to do Godzilla things.

Mamuro Miyano leads the voice cast again, playing Haruo, and others also return to their roles, but there's no point in once again namechecking them. The main thing to consider is that this is a Godzilla movie that drops the ball when it comes to the most important part, actually handling Godzilla. There ARE moments here that are better than anything in the previous film, but it's a case of too little too late as everything leads toward a hugely disappointing conclusion. It all ends with a whimper, rather than a band, and no Godzilla movie should end that way.

Some people started to warn me away from this trilogy when I started it. I wish now that I had listened to them all, but my completist mindset wouldn't allow it anyway (of course). These movies aren't even decent little time-wasters, especially now that we have a wealth of other Godzilla material to choose from, in the past few years alone. Avoid at all costs.


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  1. From the text of the review a 3 seems a bit generous.

    1. There were one ot two good ideas buried in the plot that I didn't want to spoil, hence my "generosity" :-)
